Friday, February 8, 2008

And ... more snow.

It has been insane - snowing almost everyday - an inch to three inches ... last night was especially crazy - they predicted about a foot 7k or more above sea level (for what it's worth, we're living approxmiately 10k above sea level), and wind guests was up to 40 mph or something like that, so snow was blowing all over the place. At a couple of points on way home from work I had to stop in the middle of Route 9 cos I could not see anything. Whew.

A couple of pictures - remember I told you back in Nov or so, I was wondering when snow would reach our living room window ... well it did that a while ago, but now it's about a third covered.

This next picture was inspired by Benji's ice droplet from last year, which was a gorgeous photo of an inch frozen droplet at his friend's apartment back in New York. Ben - I am not sure if there's an entry or post with that pic ... if there is - please let me know! This is the garage wall of our house - one of the angles from my bedroom window. Just for scale purposes - two of these siding boards measures to be a foot. I am roughly estimating the longest icicle is 12-14 feet long. Thankfully, nobody goes out back because there's a steep hill going right off the back of the house. I do not really want to wake up to a scene of a person lying with a deadly 12 ft icicle in his / her heart.

Hmm - I don't really want to end on that morbid note - so wanted to make a point to give a shout out to the New York Giants who made one of the most amazing and incredible Superbowls ever to watch - and to end the undefeated run of the annoying Patriots!

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