2,992 miles later, I'm in Olympia, Washington at my little brother and his wife's farm for a few weeks, for the summer to help them out, and for me to figure out what the hell to do for this fall.
A few things to just show you what the farm looks like, and what projects is around for me to work on ...
N (the little brother) and I planted tomatoes yesterday - this greenhouse holds about half of what we planted - we planted 140+ tomato seedlings.
Baby chicks! We're raising 500 chicken ... they're cute and fun to watch.
Goldie the (hopefully) pregnant cow ... no milk yet - we're waiting for the birth before we can get some outrageously good fresh milk ...
We got the piglets last week - they're still getting used to the place, and still a little nervous around people, running around like crazy when we get in the pen.
Our egg providers - the eggs that come from these hens are the best. Wow.
So, my dear readers (all two of you), hope everything is well with you, and hope you enjoy the past few blog entries! :-)
So...am I one of the two readers??? :) Glad to see you made it safely...hope to chat with you soon!
So, which one is wilbur?!
hahah, steph - yeah something like that anyway ... :-)
benji - we've not named 'em yet ... they've really not yet developed their personalities, so we're waiting to see which one we're keeping rather than selling, and then we'll name him/her. They're still a little nervous around us - wait til they become twice the size they're right now!
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