Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Mailing Address / Contact Information

For those who want my mailing address – it is as follows:

PCT Charlotte Lewis (as of Jan 8th, PCT changes to PCV)
c/o Peace Corps
Po Box 30518-00100
Nairobi, Kenya

I still do not have the address or any knowledge of where my permanent site will be, but all mail sent to the above address will be forwarded to me. As soon as I know the address, I will post it up. As for packages – the first three months I will not have to pay duty – so a good idea for the following 24 months would be to put down “donated school supplies” (which probably would be the majority of the packages, methinks).

If you want my mobile number – let me know and I’ll email you.

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This blog consists of my personal thoughts and opinions. It does not in any way reflect the position of the United States Government or the Peace Corps.