Thursday, January 3, 2008

quite the way to start my vacation

Scene: Preparing to head over to Denver International Airport on the morning of December 24, 2007. Notes of Importance: I gave myself an extra hour in case.

In case of what, you ask?

If you have not figure out from the picture above, an encounter with a snowbank. I was trying to back out (mind you - this car, courtesy of mom, who is grand for switching with me and my dear jetta, has 4 wheel drive), and it drifted downward into the snowbank.


Hey, nothing that this colorado girl can't handle, right? I went up in the house looking for a shovel to dig my car out.

The landlord's BF woke up and looked at me, going, WTF? Na Na Na - lemme pull you out.

Took him a few tries.

Look how stuck the car was. It finally was freed of the snowbank, and I was on my way to DIA. Not quite the start of my vacation that I expected.

I did get the entire row to meself on the plane, so that totally made up for the whole hassle that morning. Yea!

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