Thursday, January 3, 2008

So, 2008.

This was an interesting New Year's Eve. It told me tons about friendships, trust, love, and family.

I'll start with New York - a city that used to have me spellbound with its magic - have me thinking, how the hell can I ever live anywhere else. This is the city I lived, worked, played in, and loved for six years.

It is amazing how feelings can do a 180 - this city used to be my love - has become something that I enjoy, but not something that I am under the spell of. Granted, I want to live near / in a mid-size city because of the restaurants, the night life, the deaf community, a bit of culture, but I left New York yesterday feeling that New York was not it.

I missed a couple of people in the city - yes, they were separated from the city itself, and before, I did understand that I could miss them and not the city, but that was made even more clear this trip.

2008 bodes to be a good year. A few more months here in Breckenridge, and then a long assed road trip (two weeks, totally out of the way instead of the 18 hour 2 day drive, which I am positively and totally looking forward to) out to the brother and sister in law to help 'em build their house. We will see what happens after that.

So, 2008. Yup - I am looking forward to it. 2007 served it's purpose as the year of good changes after the totally annoying year of 2006, so, let's see what 2008 brings us.

New York - I still love you - but I honestly do not know when I will see you next - next year, two, three years from now? I trust you'll still be the same.

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