Thursday, June 7, 2007

"You have a FedEx from Peace Corps."

Yesterday, my roommate gtalked me, "You have a FedEx from Peace Corps." I was immediately excited, then it struck me, wait a minute - it is probably more forms! We met up, and then looked into the form. Yep. More forms. ::banging head on desk:: It needed more medical information about my hearing loss, and a couple of other pieces of information that apparently my ten pages medical evaluation was unclear on.

So, the waiting game continues.

At least I am done with my dental work - will FedEx the information tomorrow. Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster!

Right now my roommate and I are just focusing on divvying up the apartment, selling much of our furniture, giving away some books, figuring out a lot of other things - we are moving out in the end of June after living together for more than two years. He is going back to school, and after taking the summer off, hopefully I'll be on the other side of the world.

Meanwhile - I will just try and finish up all the medical stuff as quick and as painless as possible!

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