Friday, December 7, 2007

Rankings of Liquids

Sure - there's important liquids, such as water and oil (I'm assuming those are the top two replies if anyone was asked what liquids are neccessary), I mean the first one you pretty much can't live without (or grow anything without), and the second, unfortunately is what runs our country.

At this point - I think there's a liquid that's so much more important than those. Way more important.

Windshield Wiper Fluid.

Yep. Without this vital gallon or half-gallon in my car, I don't know what I would have done. I think I may have used more of this fluid in the past couple of weeks than I have ever used. We got tons of snow - about a foot and a half over last week, and we're supposed to get ten inches by the end of tonight. Combine that with road salt, big assed trucks spewing all the slush onto my poor little subaru. That results in me worrying that I'll run out of the fluid.

Let's hope I don't any time soon.

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