Sunday, May 11, 2008

leaving breckenridge ...

Leaving Breckenridge was made much easier than I expected - I had made several friends that I hope to remain in touch with for a good while, had a fantastic winter (albeit a blip that will be called "the wrist"), all in all leaving Colorado was not something I wanted to do easily.

Until I looked outside the house on the morning of May 1st. Yep you read that correctly, people, May 1st. It was snowing.

My former driveway - which was clear the day before.

Driving down the dirt road for one last time ... snow covered.

You could usually see the magnificent mountain of Breckenridge in the above and below photos. The mountain that closed on April 20th but one that should be still running that day.

Almost a complete whiteout.

After a shake of my head and a great breakfast at Daylight Donuts, I went on my way.

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