Saturday, April 3, 2010

Random Mida Creek Photos

A few weeks ago - maybe more - a few of us got together to check out a park just south of Gede, and this was a great opportunity to really break out the XT as there's not that many people around gawking at me carrying that camera around.  Regardless - I had a lot of fun experimenting and here are a few photos that I'm willing to post.  The park is gorgeous - it is sort of a marsh and part beach, and home to many different birds and other animals (of which we did not see much ...).  

We had to walk across several very rickey rope bridges over the marshy area in order to preserve the area and to reach the beach - we visited when it was at low tide, and it truly was low tide.  The bridge is approximately 15 feet above the sand. 

These snails / shells were all over the marsh and the beach. 

Are we still on planet Earth? I was just thinking how amazing that there are such a variety of ecosystems within miles of each other.  This is a photo of the beach when we walked ten minutes into the ocean.

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